Practical life activities allow children to build self confidence as well
as develop the discipline needed for success throughout their lives.
There are many chores in the house which can be performed to achieve
similar goals. Shelling pea is one of the simplest ways to engage in such an
interesting activity.
Pea shelling activity was organized for class VI in the month of December
2018 to inculcate the importance of household chores in kids along with the
vitality of basking in sun and outdoor cooking.
does a child learn from this activity?
Hand eye coordination
Fine motor skills
Sensorial exploration of handling the peas
Self confidence as they get to do something which their
mothers do
Teacher showed them how to peel the peas and then allowed them to peel by
themselves. They were very excited and enthusiastically involved in this
activity. To make the activity more effective, the pea pulao/biryani was cooked
and served to the kids.